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Corona virus symptoms, remedies and advice

Corona virus:

It is a virus that was previously unknown to humans. Although the new disease was first called different, in the second week of February this year, the World Health Organization named it Covid-19, a shortened form of coronavirus disease.

Symptoms of the disease:

Mainly fever, cough and shortness of breath are the main symptoms.

Different parts of the body can become deformed.

Can cause pneumonia.


Since the virus is new, it has no vaccine or antidote yet.
The main way to cure is to avoid those who are already infected or carrying the virus.

Doctors advise repeatedly washing hands, not touching the nose with hands, wearing masks when going out of the room.

If anyone has symptoms of the disease, you should go to the doctor immediately or
The IEDCR's Hot Lai number is 16263 or +8801937000011
These numbers are asked to be contacted.


The last thing is that at this point we have to be in the highest care. It is better not to go to populated areas without emergency work. World Health Organization guidelines should be followed.

Be careful yourself, encourage everyone to be careful. Warning can keep you away from this disease. Thanks everyone.

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