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Lauachara, Moulavibazar, Sylhet

Lauachara National Park:

Lauachachara National Park on 1250 hectare of land in Kamlganj upazila of Moulvibazar district. A protected forest. Lauachara is one of the seven wildlife sanctuaries and ten national parks in Bangladesh. The park is located only 10 km from Sreemangal city. Various types of plants and animals have increased the beauty of this forest. It is also known as Tropical Rain Forest in Bangladesh. Lauachachara Gardens is one of the most visited places in Moulvibazar district.

What you will see:

Biodiversity is the main attraction of this forest. Various species of animals are found in this park. As a national information, the park contains 460 species of rare plants and animals. There are 3 trails to see from the beauty of the forest. One, one and a half and three hours trekking on these trails can enjoy the beauty of the forest. Guides can also be taken if desired. The Dhaka-Sylhet railway crosses through the middle of Lauachara forest. On your way to Lauichara you will find tea gardens, high-low mounds, pineapple, litchi and lemon garden. There are green streams on both sides of the road. It would feel like you were walking around in a paradise of green.

How to come:

To come to Luyacha, you must first come to Srimangal. You can bring any car from Srimangal to your demand. With only 10km of road, it does not have to be so fast with vehicles.


The cost of a new ticket to enter the Louachahara National Botanical Park is Tk 20 for students and under-aged adults. 50 rupees for adult domestic tourist received. And 500 for foreign tourists.


Here you can eat pineapple, banana in the Lauachara botanical garden. But for heavy news you have to go to Srimangal city.


 Moulvibazar district is almost a tourist destination. There are many reputed hotel motels, cottages and resorts. However, if you want to stay low, you can stay in Srimangal city.


Traveling around is good
Do not put dirt in the forest
Too much hay can not be eaten
Be aware of the car's schedule while walking on the train

All the best, stay healthy, travel safely. Thanks everyone


  1. সিলেট ভ্রমনে আমি সিলেটের বেশ কয়েকটি স্থান ঘুরে দেখি এর মধ্যে সবচেয়ে ভাল লাগে লাউয়াছড়া জাতীয় উদ্যান এবং উদ্যোনের ভিতর দিয়ে যাওয়া রেল লাইন যেখানে হলিউড এবং বাংলাদেশের কয়েকটি বিখ্যাত সিনেমার সুটিং হয়েছিল। উদ্যানের ভিতর দিয়ে হাটতে হাটতে যখন গারো পল্লিতে গেলাম তখন গারোদের জীবন বৈচিত্র দেখে মুগ্ধ হই এবং তারা মূলত পান চাষ করে জীবিকা নির্বাহ করে থাকে।


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